Thursday, May 5, 2011

Breaking tips

This video is dedicated to help people perform better breaks. You won't be climbing any ladders in the pool realm without first mastering your own manner of breaking the rack. The method Dean uses is very effective and should be used by most new to intermediate players. Once you gain better control of the accuracy of your stroke you should move on to the "8-ball break." It is a very challenging break but when it yields a quick win you will understand how important it can be, especially in competition or money games. Remember always chalk before the break and take a few practice strokes to ensure an accurate, swift and powerful stroke.


  1. I always take practice strokes, and end up with some powerful strokes. Cool video though, I learned some tips.

  2. We usually play billiards every weekends with my friends hope this helps

  3. That stuff is so impressive, I might actually have to practice now.

  4. Nice blog, i have to follow you

  5. I've always sucked at breaks, unless you count potting the white as a good thing!

  6. this is great, i learned quite a bit
